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StormVue Data server trial expired


Problem: A previously activated StormVue Data server instance suddenly indicates that the trial period has expired. In the About dialog, Registered status shows No.

This issue can occur if you change the computer name, replace a hardware component or in some rare cases after a major Windows update. You will also notice this issue if you move the application to an entirely different computer.

The solution is to re-activate your StormVue Data server copy using your order number and the activation key that you have received via email from us.

Each customer has 3 activations available. If those are exceeded we can reset the database activation counter on request.

Please submit a support ticket in case you need your activation counter reset. Make sure to include your StormVue V3 order number in your request.

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Article ID: 3
Category: StormVue V3
Rating (Votes): Article rated 1.0/5.0 (1)

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