E-mail settings
The Settings dialog is opened by pressing shortcut key CTRL+C or via menu Options->Configuration and selecting the E-mail settings tab.
E-mail account settings
Configure mail server, credentials and alert message recipients. If in doubt, contact your IT support or network administrator to obtain correct settings.
Outgoing mail server: Enter your SMTP mail server address here.
Port: Set the SMTP port for the mail server.
Security: Select security option. Most e-mail servers today are compatible with STARTTLS
Authentication: Select authentication method. With STARTTLS this option should be set to Normal password
Username: Your e-mail account username
Password: Your e-mail account password
From: The e-mail address that will be shown as From in the e-mail message header. This should be a valid address associated with your e-mail account.
Recipients: Add or remove recipients of Data Server messages.
-To add new recipient: Enter an e-mail address and press Add button
-To remove recipient: Select e-mail address to remove from the drop down list and press Delete button
To test e-mail alerting functionality, press Test button. A pop-up dialog will inform you if the message was sent successfully or not. A successful test transmission means that the mail server settings are configured correctly and communication with the server is working. It does not guarantee that all the recipient addresses are correct.
👉 NOTE! Everyone on the recipients list will receive test messages. It is recommended that you test with one recipient and add additional recipients after the e-mailing function is confirmed to be working.
👉 NOTE! StormVue Data Server does not have an upper limit on number of recipients. However, if more than 30 recipients are added you will see a performance warning dialog. It is preferred to use a mailing list if the number of recipients is large. In such a scenario Data Server would send one e-mail to a mailing list which in turn dispatches this message to any number of recipients. This way the bulk of the e-mailing work is offloaded to an external application built for the purpose.
Using Google Gmail
The Data Server e-mailing feature will work with Gmail by using the Google Apps password option.
- While logged in to your Google account, click the following link (opens in a new browser window):
https://myaccount.google.com/u/0/apppasswords - Under Your app passwords enter a name for your app, for example StormVue
- Click Create button to create a password for this app.
- Enter the password in settings, Password textbox. Make sure to not type in any of the white spaces.
- Proceed as per instructions below to complete the configuration.
👉 NOTE! The official Google support page explaining the App passwords feature can be found here: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en
Additionally you must configure the following settings in order to use your Gmail account for sending StormVue Data Server email alerts:
Username: The Gmail e-mail address that you intend to use for sending alerts.
Outgoing mail server: smtp.gmail.com
Port: 587
Security: STARTTLS
Authentication: Normal password
Click Apply button, then click Test button to send a test alert email to any recipients that you have added to the recipient list.
E-mail contents
Here you can change the alert and all clear messages subject and content. Place the cursor on the respective text box and change the text as necessary.
Special tags allow you to insert current data such as date and alarm range. The available tags are:
- <date> - Insert full date and time
- <time> - Insert time only
- <distance> - Insert the close alarm radius (distance reported in selected Distance Units)
- <distunits> - Insert distance units text, km for kilometers, mi for miles
- <watchtime> - Insert the currently configured All clear watch time period
💾 Click Apply button after changing settings to save your configuration!